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Holiday in a cortijo

Holiday in a cortijo

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Savour authentic Spanish life

Driving through beautiful Andalusia, past mountain villages and olive groves, I sometimes stumble upon a special place like the cortijo where I recently stayed. I first marvelled at the brilliant contrast of its white walls against the green of the mountain behind it and the blue of the sky above it. And then, as I walked in, I saw its swimming pool and its shimmering water.

In Andalusia, a cortijo refers to a farm, and the experience is similar to the quintas of Portugal or the agriturismo of Italy, but with the distinct taste of southern Spain. If you value peace and simplicity like I do, staying in a cortijo is always a little dash of heaven!

Discover cortijos in the Mediterranean

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Unique overnight stays in a Cortijo

Rural Andalusia at its most unique

The farms that I discovered in the south of Spain no longer function for food production. Although there are plenty of owners who also maintain a small olive grove, flock of sheep or an estate with grape plants. The main function has now become a holiday residence. A holiday in a cortijo guarantees experiencing the local culture. Visiting the surrounding villages, markets, events with flamenco, singing, you name it.

Looking for unique cortijos

Not only did I come across various cortijos in atmospheric Andalusia, I was also pleasantly surprised by a white cortijo in Gran Canaria. Enjoy a special holiday in Spain where you can explore the entire area. One minute you're soaking up the sun on the patio and the next you're in the local market sampling freshly sliced Serrano ham, olives and Manchego cheese. If you are looking for an oasis of peace, staying in a cortijo is really something for you…

When you book a Spanish cortijo as a holiday accommodation with me, the plane tickets and a fully insured rental car are also included. This way you have booked everything immediately and it is well arranged. And you can explore at your own pace.

If you book a package holiday with me, It always includes stay plus rental car!