20+ years of experience - consumer rating 9.1 - Member of ABTA and ATOL
Round trip

Tours by destination

Don't stay in one place, discover more places

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Round trip: visit multiple stays

Want to see more of your destination?

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to request a round trip.

Sometimes you just want to see, discover and taste as many new things as possible. Are you up for an adventure? Always curious about what a destination has to offer? Can't choose between all the accommodations? Then don't stay in one place; discover more and go on a tour!

With a round trip, where you will stay at multiple accommodations, you can experience even more of your destination. You are guaranteed a unique experience, in two or more of my favourite accommodations. Touring can be done in two ways:

  • All in one: accommodation, airfare, and rental car are all arranged.
  • Own transportation: we arrange the accommodation, but you arrange your flights and car.
Round trip
  • A tailor-made tour, created especially for you.
  • A combination of hand-picked accommodations.
  • Discover your destination Eliza-style and get the most out of your holiday.

Tips for your round trip

Example combinations

Round trip Portugal


Alentejo & Algarve 1
Sobreiras Alentejo Country Hotel & Conversas de Alpendre

Algarve & Alentejo 2
Pe No Monte & Quinta do Marco

Costa de Lisboa & Noord-Portugal
Immerso & Rio Moments