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Eliza's booking alert

Eliza's booking alert

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First choice for your next holiday

Get notified when your desired holiday is available again

Do you want to know when there's availability for the next summer? Make use of Eliza's booking alert, a free service where you can sign up at your favorite holiday. Subsequently, you'll be the first to receive a message when you can book again. You'll also have the first choice of available dates and prices. Have a few accommodations in mind? You can sign up for multiple alerts.

Obligation-free, you're not committed to anything. Sign up now, and you'll be the first to receive a notification when the time comes.

Get notified when your desired holiday is available again

Eliza's booking alert

The benefits

  • A free service with a one-time-only email
  • Be the first to know about prices and availability
  • Subscribe for as many accommodations as you like

Where can I find Eliza's booking alert?

Find the holiday you have in mind for next summer. To find the alert option, go to the "View dates & prices" tab, where you will see "2024 Holidays". Click on it and activate the booking notification by entering your email address.

Where to find Eliza's booking alert

Where can I find Eliza's booking alert?

Find the holiday you have in mind for next summer. To find the alert option, go to the "View dates & prices" tab, where you will see "2024 Holidays". Click on it and activate the booking notification by entering your email address.

Where to find Eliza's booking alert

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eliza's booking alert?
It is a free service that keeps you informed via a one-time email about the prices and availability of an accommodation.

When is the notification visible?
Eliza's booking notification is visible for accommodations that are not yet available for the new summer season.

When will I receive Eliza's booking alert?
The new summer season (April to October) is expected to be online around August/September on the website. You will receive an e-mail as soon as the accommodation for which you have registered is online. Unfortunately, it is not possible to sign up for the winter sun season (November to March).

How many accommodations can I sign up for?
You can sign up for multiple accommodations, as many as you like.

Will I only receive a notification from my registered address?
You will only receive an email from the address you sign up for; you will not be enrolled in the newsletter.

Can I make a pre-booking as well?
No, once you receive the email, you can easily make a booking yourself via the website.

What purposes may you use my email address for?
Your email address will only be used for Eliza's booking alert and only for the registered accommodation. Eliza was here values your privacy and ensures that your data is processed according to the privacy statement.