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Holiday home with jacuzzi

Holiday homes with jacuzzi

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Escape to a Mediterranean villa with hot tub

Night has fallen and I have taken a seat on a chair on the terrace of our villa. I am enjoying a week away in Southern Europe with my good friend Marissa. We have just returned from a delicious dinner at a seafood restaurant in a nearby village. "What a delicious meal that was, we deserved it after today," says Marissa when she sits down next to me. Earlier today we wanted to discover the area and decided to go out on foot. I think we have a few kilometers behind us. I can feel it in my feet. "We're at a holiday home with a jacuzzi, let's relax!" My girlfriend's proposal immediately puts a smile on my face, what a good idea.

We grab the bottle of champagne that we got as a gift from the owner and go to the jacuzzi. It is wonderfully heated and the bubbles do my body good. Our holiday home is equipped with all modern conveniences, the jacuzzi is proof of that. I think we will enjoy ourselves here for the rest of the holiday.

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Bubbles at a luxury house with a jacuzzi

With a view of the sea or greenery

In the morning, afternoon or evening; you can find me in a jacuzzi at any time of the day. I often like to relax between the bubbles after an active day. It is also romantic in the evening to enjoy the starry sky with your partner, while you are in the bubble bath.

A holiday home with a jacuzzi is suitable for every season, in the colder months you can still sit outside in the heated bath. You step in with a few friends at the beginning of the evening and before you know it you are chatting until midnight.

Throughout Europe I have found places where you can enjoy a relaxing holiday in the most beautiful locations. In Greece you look out at the mountains and you see the sea in the distance. In Spain and Portugal you will be treated to the rolling hills full of greenery. In Italy and Cyprus you are in a remote place with no one around. In any case, I can't wait for my next vacation at a luxury house with jacuzzi!

If you book a package holiday with me, It always includes stay plus rental car!