20+ years of experience - consumer rating 9.1 - Member of ABTA and ATOL

Working with Eliza was here

Do you have a nice marketing proposal for us?

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Want to collaborate with us?

We are always open to requests!

Find out more about all the possibilities we offer for marketing collaborations.

Eliza was here is a travel specialist offering small-scale holiday accommodations with an authentic and charming character. Located in rustic locations in the Mediterranean, off the beaten path yet close to the beating pulse of of the local culture. Our buzzwords are small-scale, quality, transparency and accessibility. We want to surprise our customers by offering a unique experience and we do this all in a highly personal way. Through Eliza's eyes, we reach our target group, which mainly consists of:

Hedonists and explorers

Aged between 25-65 years

With or without children

Marketing & Advertising

Eliza was here is always open to new collabs. Do you see a match between Eliza was here and your organisation, brand and/or product? Please contact us via marketing@elizawashere.nl. We are also open to advertising in print/online publications, as well as press trips, co-branded giveaways, online (performance based) campaigns, trade fairs/events, barter collaborations and influencer and blog trips. We are currently not working with travel agents.

Depending on your request, our marketing team will look at the possibilities. Please note that we only handle requests that include the following information:


Trade name:

What does your product/service consist of?

Who is your target audience?

Why do you want to work with Eliza was here?

What interfaces are there?

Do you already have a concrete proposal? If yes, please explain:


Key figures 

Media kit (if applicable)

Social profiles (if applicable)

Send to: marketing@elizawashere.nl . We try to provide you with a response within 14 days.

Affiliate marketing

Do you want to promote Eliza was here online? You can do so via the TradeTracker affiliate programme. We have an exclusive partnership, and there are no options through another network. View the campaign terms and conditions and sign up here:

New Affiliate Tradetracker

Existing Affiliate Tradetracker
Do you own or do you know of a unique accommodation that you’d  like to register with Eliza was here? Take a look at our B2B page to find out more.