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COVID-19 disclaimer

COVID-19 disclaimer | Eliza was here

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COVID-19 can cause unpredictable situations. This affects how we travel, including travel to countries with a positive (green) travel advice. The color code may change, you may get infected or the country takes additional measures.

As a traveler, you are responsible for your personal (health) situation. This means you have the correct documents to enter a country, you comply with rules and restrictions, and you check whether any information you have received has not changed before, during or after you travel.
We do our best to provide a safe trip, complying with all regulations. Despite this, you could still get sick or experience disruptions. Sunweb Group does not accept responsibility for any damages you may incur as a result of COVID-19 or measures against the spread of the virus.

Before your departure

You are responsible to check measures and circumstances before you travel, and to make sure you comply with any conditions or restrictions, such as getting a test. Some countries have restrictions for British citizens, like showing a negative test result.

At your destination

In some cases, there are restrictions when you arrive. Or, you or a fellow traveler catch the virus and are required to quarantine. These situations can lead to additional costs. Do you get sick during your trip? You can only travel back once you are no longer COVID-19 positive or show any symptoms.

It is possible that not all facilities are (completely) available at your destination. These changes may happen at any time, and without notice. This means we are not able to advise you about them before you travel. We encourage you to follow local instructions. Please note that there may be restrictions and safety measures at your accommodation, in public transport or when joining an activity.

Before you travel home

Check whether you are required to quarantine when you return to the U.K, or if you have to show a negative test result. We may be asked to share your personal details during or after your trip, to help with contact tracing.